Programming Policy
The purpose of library programs are to provide patrons with opportunities for educational enrichment, social interaction, informational needs, enjoyment of the arts, and entertainment. The staff is skilled at and experienced in selecting programs that will appeal to a broad range of interests and ages. Given the diverse nature of interests, beliefs, and backgrounds, not all programs will be of interest to all patrons, but we believe it is important that all citizens feel welcomed and supported in the library.
Given the wide range of viewpoints in the community, some programs may be controversial or offensive to some residents. The presentation of these programs will not be restricted by the possibility that it may offend some.
This policy includes on-site, virtual, co-sponsored, off-site, and Friends of the Library programs.
Parents and legal guardians are responsible for selecting which programs their child attends.
Programming and events at the library may be sponsored by the Library, the Friends of the Library, or public and private groups or organizations.
All programs, regardless of who is sponsoring the event, must be open to all citizens.
All programs, regardless of the sponsor, must not present misinformation or disinformation as fact.
Patrons are welcome to suggest topics or presenters but the library is under no obligation to offer these programs.
The fact that the library, the Friends of the Library, an individual, or organization is granted permission to present a program in the Library in no way constitutes endorsement of the policies or beliefs of that individual or organization by the Library or the Town of Merrimac.
Any requests for reconsideration of a program will follow the same policy and procedures as for collection materials, as detailed on the “Policy and Procedure for Reconsideration of Library Materials, eResources, Programs, Displays, or Bulletin Board Postings”, as well as the “Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials, eResources, Programs, Displays, or Bulletin Postings Form.”
When reviewing a request to have the library sponsor a program, the library does not discriminate on the basis of race, age, values, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, cultural or ethnic background, physical, sensory, cognitive or learning disability, economic status, religious beliefs, or views.
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees May, 2023